Barrel to Bottle: Dry January

Are you doing Drynuary? Dry January? Non-Alc New Year? Whatever you call it, there are many reasons our customers seek out non-alcoholic offerings. Non-alcoholic beers have been around for several decades, but now craft breweries have begun producing them in addition to the old stalwarts. Roger's offerings run the gamut from old stalwarts to new craft offerings. Meanwhile, Pat has a whole new category for the Barrel to Bottle crew to sample, whiskey and gin alternatives.
Drink along at home with the following non-alcoholic beers and spirits:
- O'Doul's
- Pabst Blue Ribbon Non-Alcoholic
- Heineken 0.0
- Clausthauler Non-Alcoholic Dry-Hopped
- Brooklyn Special Effects NA
- Krombacher Weizen Non-Alcoholic
- Wellbeing Coffee Stout
- Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher
- Seedlip Garden 108
- Seedlip Grove 42
- Ritual Zero Proof Gin Alternative
- Ritual Zero Proof Whiskey Alternative
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