Barrel to Bottle: German Wine Across the Decades

Aging red wines is common - but what about aging white wines? Kristen is joined by Binny's Wine Buyer Bill N. and legendary German wine importer Derek Vinnicombe, plus producers Paul Anheuser and Stefen Bollig. The team talks recent German vintages, differences across years and drinking these wines aged and unaged. To illustrate, the team tries young and old bottles from the same vineyard side by side: Bollig Lehnert Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Spatlese from 2018 and 2006. Also Paul Anheuser Keuznacher Krotenpfuhl Riesling Auslese 2001. And it's not all about white! Germany also makes great red wines, and the team tastes Heyden Pinot Noir 2016. These guys are fun!
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