As for your Qs - A Two-Part Barrel to Bottle Q&A Episode

We used to tackle listener questions on a regular basis, but over the years the episodes kept getting longer and longer. We miss the listener interaction, and we miss giving away $20 Binny’s gift cards, so periodically we do these all Q&A episodes. It’s time for us to A your Qs.

Part 1

Part 2

Beer Question:

  • What is the preferred packaging for Russian Imperial Stouts, especially when they’re barrel-aged?

Beer Question:  

  • What are some of the rare and exclusive beers that you sell besides Sam Adams Utopias?

Spirits Question:

  • Why are store picks special? Isn't it just the same barrel as the one they would choose to bottle anyway? Why does putting a sticker on the bottle increase value? Anybody can do a barrel pick of they have the money?

 Wine Question:

  • What is the difference between a Barolo a Brunello and a Barbaresco?

General Question:

  • What kind of alcoholic beverages would've been common in a 1950s-1960s US home?

General Question:

  • How about a question about our fearless Hosts! In the spirit of Spotify Wrapped season, what are we all listening to these days? Are you a country girl, rude boy, emo kid…?

Beer Question:

  • What affects the shelf life of beer the most? Type of beer, type of bottle (clear vs dark glass/can), temperature it’s stored (garage vs basement vs fridge)? And does taking it in and out of the fridge multiple times affect the taste?

Spirits Question:

  • Does age matter with Bourbon?

General Question:

  • How many different questions to carry brands from?

General Question:

  • What kind of long term impact do you see the global supply issues having, on overall alcohol trends?

Wine Question:

  • Is bottle shock a real thing with wine?

Spirits Question:

  • What are The fruit king’s favorite fruit liquors? And is there anything to steer clear of?

General Question:

  • How old were you when you stopped drinking just to get drunk and started what you were drinking…while still getting drunk?

General Question:

  • What is your go to mixer at a party bar?

Spirits Question:

  • Rhum vs. Rum, what’s the difference?

Spirits Question:

  • Have any distilleries attempted extreme measures to prevent Angel’s Share?

General Question:

  • What’s the best way to open a bottle that is sealed with wax?

 Spirits Question:

  • What is allocation in relation to bourbon and will there ever be a time when bourbon producers catch up with demand and eliminate allocation?

Spirits Question:

  • What is the right bourbon cocktail for a non-bourbon drinker that bypasses the whiskey burn?

Wine Question:

  • How many different types of wine are there?

 Wine Question:

  • Are all vouvrays sparkling?

Spirits Question:

  • What is the difference between “bottled in bond”, “single barrel” and “select batch”?

Wine Question:

  • What is a good wine that goes well with various meats and cheeses like salami?

General Question:

  • Where do you see the next big expansion in NA drinks?

Spirits Question:

  • What is the difference between plata, reposado and añejo tequilas?

Spirits Question:

  • What was Pat/Brett’s agave spirit of the year in 2022?

If you have a question for the Barrel to Bottle Crew, email us at, or reach out to us on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. If we answer your question during a podcast, you’ll get a $20 Binny’s Gift Card!

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