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Binny's Tasting Panel: Holiday Favorites x Women of Binny's

The Women of Binny’s know how to throw a party. They also know how to take it to the next level for the holidays without breaking the bank.  
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The Perfect Wines for Thanksgiving Pairing

The Best Wines for Thanksgiving

Thirteen Thanksgiving wine pairings for your upcoming holiday feast.
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Fino Fiends and Manzanilla Maniacs - Making Sense of Sherry

Fino Fiends and Manzanilla Maniacs - Barrel to Bottle Makes Sense of Sherry

Are you a fino fiend? Manic for manzanilla? Amorous for Amontillado? Or maybe you have no idea what any of that means. Whether you're a sherry vet or a sherry noob, this episode has something for you.
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Sangria Recipe: Wine and Booze and Fruits Galore

Wine and Booze and Fruits Galore - Barrel to Bottle Makes Sangria

Sangria can be easy or complicated. You can whip it up the morning of or let it marinate overnight. You don't need a recipe, but it's fine to follow one also.
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The Gang Picks a Fight With Tom Hanks, America's Dad - the Diet Cokagne and More

The Gang Picks a Fight With Tom Hanks, America's Dad - Barrel to Bottle Makes the Diet Cokagne and More

The last time we took on a major celebrity and their absurd cocktail, it was Stanley Tucci’s shaken Negroni with vodka. Things didn’t so great for The Tooch, but will America’s Dad fare better?
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Thanksgiving Pairings - Barrel to Bottle Talks Turkey

What are you drinking for Thanksgiving? We’ve got recommendations for spirits before, during and after dinner, beers that pair with a wide range of dishes and wines to pair with specific types of guests at your dinner table.
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Binny's Home Bartender: Swedish Glögg

Take Binny’s Home Bartender’s advice – winter is coming, make some glogg. It’s a Swedish recipe for warm mulled wine with port, brandy, red wine, fruit and nuts.
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Binny's Home Bartender: Binny's Big Bowl of Champagne Punch

Our resident Mixologist put together an original Champagne punch, fit for a New Year’s Eve.
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Barrel to Bottle: Approachable Champagnes for the Holidays

You may have heard that there's a Champagne shortage going on. First, we all drank too much of it during the early stages of the pandemic. Then supply chain issues caused even more problems. Luckily, Binny's crack team of buyers saw the writing on the wall early and made some big purchases for all of our thirsty customers around the holidays. Alicia has selected five Champagnes today that are available in our stores right now at great prices. Cheers!
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Barrel to Bottle: Thanksgiving Pairings

This year for Thanksgiving, the Barrel to Bottle crew wants to make it simple to buy beer, wine, and spirits for your feast. Instead of pairing individual drinks with dishes, we’ve selected some items that pair with nearly everything you might eat on Thanksgiving.
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